Why Is Everyone Offended?
7 Hard Words to Heal Our Insecurities and Free Us from Offense
Through a careful study of the conversations in which Jesus offended, readers will discover a savior willing to risk offending you to save you from your deepest insecurities. Because his love is great, his truths are often hard, and his compassion sharp.
How Easily Are You Offended?

Book Trailer

Seven Hard Words
Jesus explained to his disciples, "Blessed are those who are not offended by me." He warned them because he knew many would be offended. But for those willing to listen, Jesus' hard words also work his deepest healing.








Listen to the First Chapter
Chapter One | 21:11

Author Chase Replogle
Chase’s work draws from history, psychology, literature, and a rich narrative approach to Scripture to help readers think more deeply about faith and life. His work has appeared in Good Morning America, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Ekstasis, Bible Engagement Project, and Influence Magazine. Learn More
Pastor and Writer
Chase Replogle
Chase Replogle is the pastor of Bent Oak Church in Springfield, Missouri. He holds a degree in Biblical Studies, an M.A. in New Testament from The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, and a D.Min. in The Sacred Art of Writing from Western Theological Seminary.
Chase is the author of The 5 Masculine Instincts and A Sharp Compassion. His work draws from history, psychology, literature, and a rich narrative approach to Scripture to help readers think more deeply about faith and life.
His work has been featured on Good Morning America, Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Ekstasis, Bible Engagement Project, and Influence Magazine. In addition, he hosts the Pastor Writer Podcast (pastorwriter.com), where he interviews Christian authors on writing and publishing. A native of the Ozark woods, he enjoys being outdoors with his wife and two kids, sailing, playing the guitar (badly), and quail hunting with his bird dog Millie.